Source Class Page of the Reclass Wizard

Use this page to select the class that you want to use as the basis for the Reclass process.

For example, if you want to copy the budget to a forecast, the source class is a budget class.

This page only displays classes for which you have view and update access.


Field Description
Class Click to display the Class Lookup dialog box, where you can select a source class. The dialog box displays all the classes used in the project, except for progress (earned value) classes.
  • If the source class is a progress class, you cannot select a forecast or frozen forecast class as a target class.
  • If the source class is a forecast or frozen class, you cannot select a progress class as a target class.
Class Type This field displays the type of the selected source class.
Class Description This field provides a brief description of the selected source class.
Copy Select this option to copy the source class to the target class, while keeping the original source class. Selecting this option gives an additive result (twice the original budget).
Copy and Delete Select this option to copy the source class to the target class and delete the source class data.

This option is enabled only if you have an update access to the class.